The essential 8 travel health hacks
This year I have made the commitment to be on a plane every 4 – 5 weeks meeting with clients and growing my network interstate. Every 4 – 5 weeks allows me to build momentum (and status credits), without significantly impacting my family and the time with them that I value so much. I LOVE to travel. I love the experience, the people watching, the airports and I love being in new cities around the country and the world. SECRET: If I did not hate editing videos and was self-conscious talking into a camera on the move…I would absolutely be a travel vlogger.
Travel for me is something that is critical for business growth, and, yes, as I mentioned above, I do love it. However, when we travel for work (or fun, but focusing on work here), we must be operating at our best when we land and for the duration of the trip, especially if the time on the ground is short. I have spoken in the past about this topic, but what I have not discussed is what I keep in my travel bag.
We all take a toiletries bag when we travel (I hope), with toothpaste, deodorant, cologne etc. When I travel, I have a second bag that I simply grab and chuck in my suitcase, no matter where I am off to. But what is in it and why? Well, this bag contains my essentials to ensure I remain dialed in, rested, focused and healthy whilst on the road. Could I add more, yes, but this is the core essentials that work.
- Zinc: Our bodies cannot produce Zinc, so we must obtain it from food or supplements. Amongst its many benefits, zinc supplements stimulate particular immune cells and reduce oxidative stress. It has also been shown to potentially reduce the length of the common cold by up to 33%. So why are we taking it whilst traveling? We want to strengthen our immune system to mitigate the risk of getting sick, resulting in a period of down time. This is something that makes up part of my daily routine and I keep up that routine whilst on the road.
- Greens powder: As much as I am very conscious of eating well whilst I travel, I may not have the opportunity to consume a diverse array of plants and vegetables like I would at home. A greens powder can fill this void, whilst also…you guessed it, keeping our immune system strong, being high in vitamin A, C & E. If the brand you use contains green tea extract, this can provide an energy boost throughout the day, to help mitigate the often-regular need for coffee. When looking for a greens powder, ensure to buy a quality (organic where possible) powder that is not filled with sweeteners. No, they do not taste amazing, but good things are often not easy. Should this become a substitute for eating a diverse array of fruits and vegetables? NO! This is a shorter-term solution for whilst travelling and unable to hit all the plants, fruits and vegetables you would ideally like to include.
- Sachets of protein (if I can locate them): This is something that I am not always able to have as travel sachets of protein are not always easy to locate. My preferred brand is the ATP Science Collagen Protein. From time to time I am able to purchase them, but not as often as I would like. I like to keep my protein intake up whilst on the road because I remain active whether it is running or CrossFit/weight training. Having a protein sachet on hand is also really beneficial if you are really busy and not able to consume sufficient calories/meals. I will pour the protein into a water bottle and have a snack on the run.
- Eye mask: This is so important for getting quality sleep. Whether on the plane or the hotel. You want the ‘room’ to be as dark as possible.
- Ear plugs: I have found that most hotel rooms are quite loud (and obviously planes). Whether it is people coming and going at all hours, or the noise of the street. Ear plugs will enable you to block this out and improve the quality and duration of your sleep. Being rested is the most vital component of travel, yet this and food are the two that most clients struggle with.
- Melatonin gummies: Not something I like to use for domestic travel unless I have to. If I am struggling to switch off, relax and get to sleep I will take a melatonin gummy. This is something that I would certainly lean into more when traveling overseas and battling the significant change in time zones. Melatonin is produced (via the pineal gland in your brain) soon after the onset of darkness and gradually falls during the night (or it should). Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate the body’s circadian rhythm, which controls sleep (tiredness) and waking . Melatonin gummies are a supplement designed to mimic the effects of the naturally occurring melatonin. Please be cautious with melatonin and only ever stick to the recommended dose and do not take regularly. People can become addicted/reliant.
- Vitamin D3: When you are on planes, in airports, taxis, hotels etc, you are at a higher risk of getting sick (especially colds), simply due to the volume of people exposed to and uncertainty around cleanliness. Vitamin D3 is a great for bone health, but the reason I take this with me on my travels is it helps the body with energy production (combatting low energy), it boosts your immune system and may help promote a healthy heart. When travelling for work, we often have less of an opportunity to get exposure to direct sunshine due to busy days of meetings indoors. Sunlight exposure allows the body to naturally produce vitamin D3, so a supplement can be a great filler whilst on the road. Can you get it from food, yes. But taking a supplement I find, is more convenient and can simply form part of my routine when travelling. Like with all supplements, stick to the recommended dosage. More does not mean better.
- Blue light blocking glasses: These make up a part of my daily routine when at home or on the road. Blue light blocking glasses are something I will wear when travelling at night (in the airport & on the plane – airports artificial light I believe is designed to keep us stimulated and awake, like that of a casino.) or simply when I get back to hotel room after a busy day. Whether I am winding down, on my phone or doing more work, I want to minimize the impact of blue light (junk light) that impacts my circadian rhythm. That’s right, this ‘must have’ for me is about ensuring I get the best nights sleep possible.
I will take the same contents with my whether I am travelling overseas or domestically. As a busy business owner or professional, travel is almost unavoidable. Simply being prepared for the trip will ensure you remain on top of your health, your rest, your output, and your opportunities. Please, consult your GP before adding in any supplement to your diet. I am not doctor!