In the blink of an eye, 21 years passed by. Exactly half of my life. I turned 42 this year (26 July) and decided to celebrate by escaping the cold in search of:

  • Vitamin D
  • Culture change
  • Amazing food
  • Fitness
  • Family fun

So…..after 21 years, back to Bali I headed. Albeit this time, it was with my beautiful family. More than escaping the cold, this trip held greater importance. On the 5th of August 2022 my father passed away and I did not want to be home in Adelaide for this anniversary. I needed to be away from the memories around me and with the people I love the most. A cocktail glass was raised that night to celebrate the life of my Dad.

On the 12th of October 2002, Bali experienced the horrendous act that was the Sari Club Bombing. This was just a few weeks after I had returned from Bali, celebrating my 21st birthday and spending several nights in this Kuta Beach night club. 21 years pass by and as a family we decided to return. Return to a very different Bali.

This post is not about Bali itself, it’s about my journey over those 21 years and how whilst away I looked back at my experience then vs my experience now.

In life we all go on a journey. A journey that is controlled by us, by our actions, by our thoughts & by our relationships with others. Sometimes we find ourselves in a place we did not expect. Making subconscious decisions that lead us down a path that we never envisaged us taking. But this is life. This highlights the importance of self-awareness and being conscious to the choices we make. Over these journeys we can change as a person. Physically, mentally & emotionally. Do our values change? I do not believe so. I personally believe that it just takes time to unpack, understand, accept what our values are. Again, this comes with maturity and experiences. At 21, what I thought my values were, are not what I know them to be today. But this comes down to where my energy and focus was at that time in my life, and it was not on understanding me and who I want to be in life. My focus and energy was on:

  • Partying
  • Having fun with mates
  • Meeting ‘the ladies’
  • Travel
  • Drinking
  • Exercising
  • Some study when I had time (HA!)

Over time however I became clearer on where each of this fit into my list of priorities in life. What I ‘valued’ and what was merely a distraction from focus in the areas I should be focusing on. Again, I was 21 and had lots to experience to learn.

As I sat on our balcony in the amazing Mulia resort in Bali recently, I thought back to what my last 21 years looked like and how grateful I am to have met the people I have, whom have helped educate and shape me into the person I am today. The Dad, The Husband, The Friend, The Business Owner, The Coach, The Mentor, The Human Being. Many of the people I surrounded myself with 21 years ago have come and gone. And that is ok! I encourage you all to ‘vet’ the circle around you. Ensure your social environment supports you, encourages you, loves you and guides you. Do not waste time and energy with people who offer you none of these….and likewise, you offer none of this to them either.

The photograph you see here is one of the 14 nights (in a row) that I was exceedingly drunk back in 2002. I think I finished 14 illusion shakers and some beers and proceeded to vomit in the bushes for hours. This was at a hotel in Kuta called ‘Troppo Zone’. Some great nights were had. This trip was as you can imagine, dangerous, very loose, excessive drinking and with not a care in the world. However, what this photo also represents is something very special. The guy in the middle is Jay Haagmans. I met Jay on this trip to Bali in 2002. A guy from Port Lincoln that was so positive and fun to be around. Well, in 2014 he was in my wedding party and 21 years later (today), he is still one of my closest mates. We have shared a lot together. Lots of fun times, lots of open chats and now we both have beautiful families. We have both grown as people (as men) and this photograph reminds me of where it all began.

The trip in 2002 was about being drunk, having fun, partying and trying not to die in the process. No different to many 21 years olds today. Again, as I sat there reflecting upon this journey I have experienced over the last 21 years, I had to laugh and cry at where I am today. Which takes me to the second photograph. Here is a JP that is solely focused on providing the best life possible for his family. A life of fun, experiences, love and support. My three beautiful children and my amazingly wonderful and beautiful wife. A dinner together to share stories about the day and laugh. Also, the journey I have had:

  • 18 years working in wealth advice. Spending the last few years not loving what I did, but knowing a change was on the horizon.
  • 8 years running my own wealth business.
  • Over 25 years of learning, studying, experimenting, researching various fitness, health, nutrition, mindfulness practices to help me not just perform at my peak professionally, but to ensure I am the happiest and healthiest version of me I can be.
  • Starting a second business coaching and mentoring others in business/leadership roles about creating a lifestyle that will help support them along their journey to achieving their idea of success. A journey that reflects something very similar to mine.
  • 9 years married to the most beautiful person in the world.
  • 3 amazing (challenging sometimes), but amazing children who challenge me and reward me every day. Three humans that remind me why I do what I do today as a career.
  • A level of happiness I have never felt before.

Will I have changed again in another 21 years? Who knows….maybe. Will people have come in and out of my life? Most likely, but as long as I:

– Continue to live true to my values

– Invest time in the things I am passionate about

– Remain grateful each day

– Show love and respect for the people closest to me (my wife and my children at the core of this)

– Say YES to the things I enjoy

– Remain consistent and invested in my health and wellbeing

Then, wherever I am in 21 years, is where I am meant to be.

I hope this journey/journal resonates with you. I hope it inspires you or motivates you to make change. I am fortunate to say that I know ‘MY IDEA OF SUCCESS’. I am clear on my end goal and will keep working towards that. Do you?


Stay in the know and keep up to date with the latest.

I’ll guide you on the journey to becoming the happiest, healthiest and best version of yourself.

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