How to shift out of a negative state of mind

We all have those moments where we feel stressed, frustrated, worried even angry with the current state of play. For me, it’s typically business and it is for many of my clients. Where something that was a ‘certainty’ does not eventuate. When revenue becomes low or lumpy. When your pipeline looks low or empty. When a team member leaves your business. You get the point. There can be many reasons our business can negatively impact our state (our mindset).

I have found over the year that we have two choices. We can remain in this state until something eventually changes. Presuming something does! Or, we can take action to if not change the situation, change our state of mind. When we change our state of mind, we shift our energy, our output and begin to attract positivity. This may sound very ‘woo woo wah wah’, but I promise you this is a real thing. Negative attracts negative, positive attracts positive.

So what are the tools or methods you can lean into, to take action and change your state.

  1. This one may be obvious but address the perceived problem. Thinking about it, stressing about it, being angry about it will not change of fix the problem or the outcome. The opposite, it actually intensifies the feelings and deepens the state. This leads me into number two;
  2. Take action, move forward, create momentum. Simply the act of ‘doing’, completing tasks, and building momentum (actions) will create opportunity. Actions create opportunity. Examples of taking actions to create opportunity may be; create a blog or social media post. E-mail prospect opportunities. Book in a coffee or lunch with a client or prospect client. Refer to your task list and work your way through some actionable items. Just do!
  3. Journal. Ok…more ‘woo woo wah wah’, but I encourage you to try it. The physical act of writing what is bothering you or worrying you. Documenting this and allowing your emotions to hit a page, will often relieve the feelings of the current state whilst more often than not finding a solution to the problem. Give the mind space and permission to explore feelings, emotions and ideas will come.
  4. Meditation. Taking the time to step out of the state you are in. To remove yourself from the environment and allowing your mind to be focused on the ‘now’. To be fully present if only for 5 – 20 minutes. When we are in the stressed or negative state, we often spend much of our time and energy focused on the past and catastrophising the potential future. We need to strengthen the muscle that allows us to be fully present.
  5. Get active. Walk, run, gym, tennis etc etc. Get outside ideally and get moving. Not only does this enable us to once again focus on the moment, but it also produces endorphins and dopamine. Ever heard of a runners high 😉

The immediate impact of being in a negative state can be the disruption to productivity, reduction in quality of output and the impact to those around you that you care about. If you find yourself in a negative state, acknowledge it and then action it!


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