Why invest in your personal brand?

Disclaimer Disclaimer – I am not a personal branding expert. What I am, is a person that has built two businesses and each time has had to think about how I am perceived by the market. And….not just ‘the’ market, but my ‘target market’.

When you start a business, or pretty much any role within a business, people are going to want to know, want comfort, in knowing that you:

  • Are genuine
  • Are educated or experienced in the field you are working
  • You practice what you preach
  • Have a reputation and credibility

I truly believe practicing what you preach is so important. I mean, they all are, but, from a lifestyle coaching perspective, would you really take my advice if I was stressed, burnt out, overweight and a regular drinker. Maybe you would? But should you?

A personal brand includes not only how we show up each day, physically and emotionally, but a huge component of personal brand for people starting a business especially, is in the information and quality of your website. In today’s world I probably don’t need to mention it, but…..social media. A click of a button on all your social platforms will immediately convey a message and create a perception of who you are. So, I want you to think, how are you perceived in your market?

Here are some great ways to reflect and hone in on your personal brad:

  1. What do you want your personal brand to help you accomplish?
  2. Get clear on what you want to be known for
  3. What are the things that make you unique?
  4. Who can gain most from what you do?
  5. Then use the answers from above to create a ‘mission statement’
    1. Who you are
    2. What you do
    3. Who you do it for
    4. The transformation you create for them

Once you know who your target market is, take some time to self-reflect. How do those people see me? How do I conduct myself?

Good luck!


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