Are you travelling for work or pleasure? Then make sure you do this!

Fun, Financial or Family – My clients are all back travelling again. But, the question is, how many are prepared.

I caught up with the General Manager of one of the largest privately owned travel agents in the country. She spoke about the big uplift in demand for all forms of travel. Cruises (surprisingly) were back and flourishing. The only major change is the buffets have been removed, which is probably a good thing.

If you are travelling overseas, here are three tips to get the most out of your journey (from a wellbeing stand point):

  • Pack a wellbeing kit: Zink, Vitamin D, Magnesium, ear plugs and an eye mask. You want to get great quality sleep and have a strong immune system.
  • As soon as you land, get your shoes off and get into the sand, grass or ocean. Grounding in a new environment is hugely important.
  • Tread with caution at the hotel breakfast buffet. Stick to the omelette man, bacon, leafy greens and fresh whole fruit.

Enjoy your time away, but continue to invest in SELF!


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